School Information

The data in this section from eAdventist — the database for all of our official SDA organizations.

  •  school legal name and “local name”
  •  school size
  •  school type
  •  school address
  •  principal/head teacher
  •  phone number/fax number
  •  email
  •  website address
  •  active status
  • constituent church organizations

Partner Campuses

Schools connected for the purpose of offering or taking accredited high school classes.

  1. Click the Is a partner campus option.
  2. Add the Organization ID of the organization the school is a partner campus of in the Partner Campus to field.


The "Main Partner Campus" offers the accredited classes. Students are counted in the official enrollment.

The "Partner Campus" students take the accredited classes.  Students in these schools are NOT counted in official enrollment.

NOTE: This is in effect for students taking the complete grade level from the partner school.

If you are operating under this scenario, enter the partner campus ORG ID in the appropriate field.

Contact your conference education office with any changes that need to be made.

  • The data syncs between Data Rollup servers and eAdventist nightly. Return to DataRollup after the next data sync and check to see that the updated information is showing up.
  • Generate an updated Opening School Report and check for additional errors.

AE-CONNECT / School Information