Staffing Information:
D. Workload Distribution (FTE)

This information is edited in the “User Defined” area of the “Staff” screen on the righthand menu of the staff screen, click on “User Defined” and then select “NAD” from drop down menu within the User Defined area.

  • Enter the FTE number (full time staff equals 1, part time staff equals 2, etc.) for each staff member in the “NAD” list.
  • Part time staff is a decimal value less than 1.0.
  • FTE can not be more than 1.0 for any one person.

For example, if the principal of an elementary school is also a teacher and his time is split 50/50 to each area, there would be a 0.5 in the K-8 staff area and a 0.5 in the Administrative staff area.

Who is This?

It's important to know whether a particular staff member is counted as Administrators / Teachers or Classified Personnel.

View current list of positions and their classifications.


The different types of staff displayed on the NAD list:

Staff FTE PK: enter FTE for pre-K staff

Staff FTE K-8: enter FTE for K-8 staff

Staff FTE 9-12: enter FTE for 9-12 staff

Staff FTE Admin: enter FTE for Administrative staff


  1. Factors affecting Opening Report: All of your dashboard errors should be resolved. However, given the need for submission of your Opening Reports, we suggest that you focus on the errors as they relate to that report. This would include fixing any staff and students with missing/invalid SDA IDs. Also, Titles, FTEs, and "Classified" are all related to one another. By fixing your Title and FTE setups in FACTS SIS, you will eliminate a multitude of dashboard errors.
  2. FTE structure has changed: The new UD fields were updated based on the previous FTE UD fields. However, the structure now breaks the FTE between Admin, Staff, and Support and PK-8 and 9-12. If we were unable to determine where the FTE fit, we tried to place them based on their title. This was done in masse for all districts so please review these.
  3. Staff Titles: NAD has defined staff titles. FACTS SIS tried to translate many of your titles into the NAD equivalents. However, to minimize your Dashboard Errors, we advise you to update your Staff Titles defined list and update the titles associated with your staff. There are two jobs in Report Manager > Custom, to assist with this.

FACTS SIS SDA Data roll up Reports & Users Guide

FACTS SIS has provided three data entry reports specifically for SDA Data Roll Up:

School Data, Staff Data, and Students Data

Find comprehensive instructions for these reports by
accessing the Report Manager in FACTS SIS:

  • Click Report Manager, select Custom and choose
    SDA: SDA Reporting Instructions.

FACTS / School Information